
Performance of Analytical Methods

As environmentally-related challenges evolve, there is an ongoing need for staff to be operationally familiar with the performance of existing methods, revisions to existing methods, and new methods that are applied to relevant mill matrices (e.g., various wastewaters and residuals).

Performance of Analytical Methods


Bioassays and Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing

As part of its member support activity, NCASI staff assist mills with diagnosing and addressing situations in which whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests fail to meet NPDES permit requirements.  This sometimes includes split sample testing in NCASI’s bioassay laboratory in Newberry, Florida.  While bioassay issues may be due to constituents…

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EPA Methods

Constituents and properties of wastewaters and treated effluents can be measured using a variety of techniques, but in certain circumstances methods developed by EPA must be used.  NCASI’s analytical laboratory has considerable experience with EPA methods and is particularly knowledgeable about techniques that can be used to ensure that the…

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NCASI Methods Manual

As part of the Technical Studies and Support Program, NCASI sometimes develops methods for analytical parameters for which no rigorously tested or validated methods are otherwise available. The methods are compiled into a single manual to facilitate their distribution and use.

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