
Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment

Biocriteria are narrative or numeric expressions that describe the desired biologic integrity (structure and function) of aquatic communities and are used for the assessment and regulation of aquatic ecosystem health. Biocriteria, and the techniques for assessing them, evolve over time. Tasks in this focus area investigate biocriteria and bioassessment approaches, identify factors that influence bioassessment outcomes, and develop tools that address biota-environment questions in natural systems.

Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment


Long-Term Receiving Water Study

Initiated in 1998, the NCASI Long-term Receiving Water Study (LTRWS) is a long-term (>10 years), multi-faceted, study designed to evaluate potential effluent responses in U.S. receiving waters. Study Streams Willamette River, Oregon LTRWS data are collected on four streams: Codorus Creek, Pennsylvania Leaf River, Mississippi McKenzie River, Oregon Willamette River,…

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A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is the end product of efforts to quantify the capacity of a waterbody to assimilate substances entering the water from natural and manmade sources.  The process of completing a TMDL includes developing an allocation for substances contributed from both point sources (e.g., treated effluent…

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