Water Use & Consumption
The pulp and paper industry is a large industrial user of water, as it is used in nearly every step in the manufacturing process. While the industry is a large user of water it has low water consumption.
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Water sustainability initiatives and activities continue to proliferate, and it is important that water use in the forest products industry is properly understood and characterized within these initiatives, including consideration of the water/energy nexus. The challenge for many Member Companies will be to demonstrate responsible use of water while being located in areas with abundant water resources. In this context, NCASI’s objectives in this focus area are to
1) characterize efficient use of water to help ensure continued access to, and sustainability of, water resources; and
2) to review and/or develop water footprinting and accounting methodologies, along with water sustainability and risk frameworks.
Water Sustainability
The pulp and paper industry is a large industrial user of water, as it is used in nearly every step in the manufacturing process. While the industry is a large user of water it has low water consumption.
Learn MoreThe concept of water recycle is useful in water resource management dialogue because it is a measure of how efficiently water is being used.
Learn MoreThe NCASI Water Consumption Tool is an Excel-based Visual Basic program that simplifies the process of calculating consumptive water losses by using readily available, mill-specific, process operation inputs to yield water consumption outputs.
Learn MoreNCASI completed development of a calculation tool for GHG emissions from wood product manufacturing facilities in 2004.
Learn MoreThis white paper explores the use of the concept of context-specific water metrics for industry sustainability reporting purposes.
Learn MoreThis infographic illustrates that the Canadian forest products industry treats and returns nearly 90% of the water it uses to the environment.
Learn MoreThis infographic illustrates that the US forest products industry treats and returns nearly 90% of the water it uses to the environment.
Learn MoreOn November 19, 2014, EPA released a number of documents related to its ongoing deliberations on biogenic CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. The…
Learn MoreEPA - Revisions to Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule
Learn MoreGHG Target Setting Methodology Developed by CDP, WRI and WWF
Learn MoreThis webinar covered the potential for using context-specific metrics for reporting on water sustainability, and a review of EPN’s Paper Calculator 4.0.
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