Sustainability and Fiber Supply

Forest Monitoring and Assessment

The US Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program provides crucial information for the sustainable management of forests in both public and private sectors.

The Biometrics Working Group (BWG) advises Member Companies on issues related to forest measurements, monitoring, and assessment, and provides feedback to FIA to promote program relevance to the forest products sector. Substantial progress has been achieved through cooperative efforts of NCASI, trade associations, state forestry agencies, and the FIA program itself.

The BWG will continue its efforts such as co-sponsoring the FIA Science Symposium, convening the SAF’s FIA Users Group, monitoring FIA performance and data availability, and interacting with FIA leadership to improve the program’s utility to Member Companies. The BWG will work with FIA to improve the availability of data related to forest regeneration at state, regional, and national scales.

Staff will also participate in efforts put forth by the forest products sector to foster enhancements to broad-scale forest type and age data from remote sensing sources and will support Member Company efforts to explore approaches for utilizing remote sensing data in conjunction with FIA data to produce forest resource information at fine spatial scales.
