
Biomass & Climate Change

Climate change is an issue potentially affecting multiple facets of the forest products industry. There is pressure on the industry to reduce energy intensity, sequester carbon, and account for carbon stocks and changes in those stocks.

Because of the potentially significant costs of these measures and potential consequences of climate change on forest health, NCASI continues to review and synthesize scientific data on climate change relative to the industry.

Click here to read NCASI’s statement on our role in climate-related research and policy implications.

Biomass & Climate Change


Biomass Energy

Energy and climate policies can place restrictions on wood supplies and forest management practices, but also may provide market opportunities for landowners. Energy- and climate-related issues may include: a) definitions of renewable biomass b) effects of management regimes and practices on forest carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions…

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Carbon Accounting

The forests that supply the industry’s raw material remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon – not only in trees, but also below ground in soils and root systems, and ultimately in forest products. Understanding the dynamics of carbon as it moves from atmosphere to living trees to forest products helps us make informed choices about forest management alternatives.

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Climate Change

Climate change and policies developed in response to it have implications for forest biodiversity, health, productivity, and economic viability. Climate change is now considered a factor influencing some endangered species and regional climate forecasts are being incorporated into agency planning regulations for water quality, wildlife conservation, and other issues. The…

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COLE (Carbon On-Line Estimator)

The Carbon On-Line Estimator (COLE) is a Java-based program developed to enable examination of forest carbon characteristics of any area of the continental United States.

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