Chemical Management

Environmental Impacts

As state and federal agencies continue to update existing regulations for the use and discharge of chemicals and develop new regulations for previously unregulated substances, there is a need for technical work to evaluate the use of toxicology and epidemiology to inform risk assessment during policy setting. Tasks developed in this focus area will be aimed at evaluating and promoting the use of best available science by relevant stakeholders, including members and state and federal regulatory agencies. As many of these issues are of concern to multiple industry sectors, not restricted to the forest products industry, tasks may be developed that create or participate in larger consortiums where doing so potentially improves the technical work conducted and its potential to have impact.

Environmental Impacts


Criteria to Protect Human Health

EPA publishes criteria recommendations for water quality that can be used by states to ensure that the presence of substances in ambient waters does not represent an unreasonable threat to humans who may recreate in and on the water, consume fish from the water, or use the water as a…

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National Ambient Air Quality Standards

NCASI collaborates in substance toxicity evaluations and in risk analysis approaches that drive policy decision making.

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