
Surveys, Databases & Tools

NCASI air emissions databases and surveys of criteria pollutant emissions are important resources available to Members for use in permitting, reporting and benchmarking activities. Drawing from the expertise in air emissions fundamentals and measurement techniques, NCASI also develops tools that enable Members to evaluate and quality assure testing activities. Activity in this focus area also includes packaging new data and learnings into easily assimilable and high-utility work products.

Surveys, Databases & Tools


Combustion Calculation Tools

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NCASI Five-Year Emissions Survey

NCASI has conducted an industry-wide survey at five-year intervals, since 1980, to evaluate trends in US pulp and paper mill SO2 and NOx emissions. The five-year survey has included total filterable PM emissions since 2005. Results from the most recent survey conducted in 2010 suggest total even though paper production…

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Emissions Databases – Pulp & Paper

NCASI maintains comprehensive air emissions databases for air toxics and criteria pollutants (SO2, NOx, CO, particulate matter, and total VOCs) for pulp and paper mill sources. These databases incorporate data from emission studies carried out to inform the MACT rulemakings and other subsequent NCASI/industry testing. The air toxics emissions database…

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Emissions Database – Wood Products

The Wood Products Program is credited with developing, compiling, and updating an extensive database of air emissions from sources at wood products facilities.

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Chemical Reporting Handbooks

Handbook of Chemical-Specific Information for SARA Section 313 Form R Reporting The NCASI Handbook of Chemical-Specific Information for SARA Section 313 Form R Reporting (SARA Handbook) is maintained to assist Member Company personnel with responsibility for preparing SARA Section 313 Form R reports, which are due annually on July 1. It…

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Emission Test QA Tools

NCASI reviews emission test reports from member company testing, both as part of Member support and for incorporating emission test data into the various databases. Customized calculation tools have been developed over the years to better-facilitate this review process. These tools are being modified to develop user-friendly tools for Member…

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