Renee Ragsdale
Senior Research ScientistLocation: Northwest Aquatic Biology Program – Anacortes, WA
Renee Ragsdale is an aquatic ecotoxicologist interested in the effects of stressors across all levels of biological organization, from molecular to whole aquatic communities. Renee has worked for NCASI since 2002 in NCASI’s Aquatic Biology program. She has experience in both field- and laboratory-based research including biomonitoring, water quality analysis, habitat assessment, and whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing. Renee manages NCASI’s aquatic biology databases, and her current research focus includes the assessment of indicator bacteria test methods and evaluation of mill effluent and effluent constituent effects on aquatic biota and water quality. Renee is an active member of the Society for Freshwater Science (PNW Chapter) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
M.S. in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry from Western Washington University
B.S. in Environmental Science from Western Washington University.
Research capabilities and/or focus areas
Aquatic ecotoxicology, bioassessment, biocriteria, indicator bacteria, water quality, whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing.
Awards and Career Highlights
Renee has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles and technical reports.