Joan Ikoma
Senior Research Associate, Aquatic BiologyLocation: Northwest Aquatic Biology Program – Anacortes, WA
Joan Ikoma is a Senior Research Associate at the Aquatic Biology research facility and has been with NCASI since 1987. She has extensive laboratory and field work experience. Her laboratory experience includes water chemistry as well as marine and freshwater toxicity bioassays. Her field experience includes more than twenty years of biomonitoring in streams, rivers, and lakes to evaluate forestry and manufacturing activities with aquatic system integrity which includes the collection of fish (electrofishing, nets, and other techniques), benthic macroinvertebrates, periphyton, and phyto/zooplankton samples, as well as assessment of water quality and habitat parameters.
B.S. in Biology, Oregon State University
Research capabilities and/or focus areas
Aquatic ecology, field sampling, aquatic toxicology, water quality.