Workplace Health & Safety
Proposed changes in regulations governing worker exposure or the release of new research have, in the past, resulted in industry requests that NCASI conduct immediate and rapid evaluations of new methodologies for the assessment of worker exposures or detailed characterizations of workplace atmospheres. The infrastructure of the workplace program is currently funded externally from the member dues funded program. Staff at the Southern Regional Center maintain equipment necessary for response to requests for evaluations of new methodologies or characterizations of workplace atmospheres.
The NCASI Workplace Measurement Methods Guide provides descriptions of various methods used to measure chemicals that may be present in pulp and paper industry workplaces. It references information and exposure limits provided by OSHA, NIOSH, and ACGIH, and lists related NCASI publications. Below is additional information about workplace measurement.
Questions regarding the NCASI Workplace Program may be directed to Dr. Vickie Tatum, Project Leader, at the NCASI Southern Regional Center.