Watershed Management
The conservation and maintenance of water quality and the cyclical and long-term variability of water output from forest ecosystems has been a long-term priority for the forest industry. Dynamic geomorphic and hydrological processes maintain the ecosystem functions of both the aquatic and terrestrial components of the riparian areas of forested streams. These ecosystem functions include the moderation of stream temperature and light, the filtration of sediments and nutrients entering streams, and the inputting of fine and large organic debris into streams.
Forested wetlands provide water filtration, carbon sequestration, peat, wildlife habitat and other non-timber values, while at the same time representing a significant source of timber supply for forestry operations. Much of our knowledge of the ecological functions of riparian zones and wetlands comes from observations of the effects of forest harvesting on watershed ecosystems.
The NCASI Canadian Watershed Management program continues to help the forest industry develop best management practices to mitigate the effects of forest operations, including harvesting, site prep, silvicultural practices, and road network planning and development, as they relate to watershed quality and quantity dynamics.
NCASI Resources on Watershed Management
Canadian Watershed Handbook of Control and Mitigation Measures for Silvicultural Operations (April 2009)
Water Profile of the Canadian Forest Products Industry. Technical Bulletin No. 0975
Effects of Forest Management on Water Resources in Canada: A Research Review. Technical Bulletin No. 0969
Structural and Functional Roles of Riparian Management Areas in Maintaining Stream Values in the Acadian Forest. Technical Bulletin No. 0922
Synthesis of Technical Information on Forest Wetlands in Canada. Technical Bulletin No. 0938