Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) – Chemical Data Reporting
The Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule, under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), requires manufacturers to provide EPA with information on the production and use of chemicals in commerce in large quantities.
Under the CDR rule, EPA collects basic exposure-related information on the types, quantities and uses of chemical substances produced domestically and imported into the United States. The information is collected every four years from manufacturers of certain chemicals in commerce generally when production volumes for the chemical are 25,000 pounds or greater for a specific reporting year.
The CDR rule is required by section 8(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and was formerly known as the Inventory Update Rule (IUR).
The NCASI Handbook of Chemical-Specific Information for the TSCA Chemical Data Reporting (TSCA CDR Handbook) was prepared by NCASI to assist member companies that operate pulp and paper mills or wood products plants in meeting their periodic reporting obligations under this rule.