Technical Bulletin No. 0948: Long-Term Receiving Water Study Field Methods Compendium – 2007
<p align="justify">Methods are described for bioassessment and physical/chemical habitat measurements made in conjunction with the NCASI Long-Term Receiving Water Study (LTRWS) as incorporated at Codorus Creek (Pennsylvania), Leaf River (Mississippi), and McKenzie and Willamette River (Oregon) study locations. The current bulletin reflects an update to methods originally described in Technical Bulletin 841 and includes several changes resulting from knowledge and practical experience gained during the initial years of the LTRWS. Included are detailed descriptions for the collection and processing of water quality samples, including a detailed description and photographic record of each sample location. Bioassessment methods for periphyton, macroinvertebrate, and fish populations are also described, including a detailed description and photographic record of biological sample sites. Some site location changes are noted and documented based on river channel changes that have taken place since the study was initiated. Periphyton and macroinvertebrate method descriptions include the use of both natural and artificial substrate procedures as well as those for characterizing temperature, current velocity, solar radiation, substrate, and habitat parameters. Fish community assessment procedures are described for both boat and backpack electrofishing and include the process for obtaining fish morphometric data while maintaining fish in a healthy condition for their return to the receiving water. There are safety issues and procedures related to each of the field procedures that are also described.</p>