Technical Bulletin No. 0618: Supplemental User's Guide for Applying the WASP4 Model Program

The transport and mass balance portions of the WASP4 dynamic compartment modeling program version 4.14 were evaluated by a critique of the program code and they were found to be technically sound in most instances. However, several programming errors and inconsistencies were identified and to correct these, modifications to the program code were proposed. with the modifications, the program's computational accuracy was found to be adequate provided proper spatial and temporal scales were specified as discussed in the bulletin. The bulletin: (a) summarizes the program's features, input requirements, and output formats, (b) provides guidance for the conceptual segmentation of a water body, (c) presents a line-by-line commentary of WASP4 version 4.14's transport and mass balance calculations, and (d) identifies potential problem areas in the program's computer code.