Technical Bulletin No. 0597: Investigation of Methodology to Assess Gaseous and Releasable Formaldehyde from Paper and Wood Formalehyde Resin Containing Dusts During the Use of Per

Concerns have been expressed about exposures to formaldehyde in combination with dust particles in workplace atmospheres. It is postulated that inhaled and deposited particles that contain formaldehyde-based resins could act as a source for prolonged exposures to this chemical. These factors have prompted studies to examine methodology for: (a) estimation of releasable formaldehyde from formaldehyde-containing paper and wood products dusts, and (b) determination of gas phase and particulate-associated formaldehyde during the use of personal dust samplers. The procedure established for determination of releasable formaldehyde involved soaking the dust particles in deionized water at 35°C for six hours and measurement of the released formaldehyde by a colorimetric procedure using acetylacetone reagent.