Technical Bulletin No. 0403: Investigation Of TRS Emission And Raw Waste Load Impact Of The Use Of The Rader Cold Blow Process

This report describes the results of a laboratory and field study carried out in the South to characterize the TRS emissions from the Rader cold blow process and to determine its raw waste load impact. Relative to TRS emissions, the study showed that the average Rader process blew gas TRS emissions of about 0.03 lbs/ton pulp were significantly less than the average TRS emissions of 0.20 lbs/ton pulp measured for conventional hot blows during this investigation. Although this accounts for an 85 percent reduction in the measured batch digester TRS emissions, and the reduction would be even greater if one compares the cold blow process emission to typically reported TRS emissions of 1.5 lbs/ton pulp from conventional hot blows, the Rader process gases would nonetheless have to be collected and treated if the source were subject to a 5 ppm exit gas concentration limitation.