Technical Bulletin No. 0385: Factors Impacting Raw Waste Loads from Semi-chemical Corrugating Medium Mills

This technical bulletin describes the results of a six-mill visitation and field study program undertaken with the primary objectives of (a) identifying the factors responsible for determining raw waste loads and (b) documenting the strategies employed to control these loads. Raw waste loads of 268 to 8980 gallons per ton of paper, 2.1 to 37.7 pounds of BOD per ton of paper, and 17 to 454 pounds of color per ton of paper were documented. The range of raw waste flows observed could generally be attributed to (a) the extent of water reuse for dilution and showers on the paper machine, (b) the extent of segregation and reuse of limited contact or noncontact waters, and (c) the occasionally substantial quantities of fresh water required by some mills at points outside of the paper machine area.