Technical Bulletin No. 0335: Guidelines for Contracting Sampling and Analyses for Priority Pollutants in Pulp and Paper Industry Effluents

Federal regulations now require that pulp and paper manufacturing facilities include with applications for NPDES permits, results of analyses of at least one sample of discharged effluent for 128 specific chemical substances, defined by US EPA and termed "toxic pollutants" . The collection, preservation, and especially analysis procedures necessary to fulfill this requirement are complex to the extent that most pulp and paper companies will contract these activities to an experienced sampling group and/or laboratory. The purpose of this technical bulletin is to provide information which will facilitate the generation of valid data in this effort, via the presentation of background information, contractor selection guidelines, specific recommendations for sample collection, preservation, and analysis problem area solutions (wherein which areas there are allowed options to EPA recommended or required procedures), and recommendations for duplicating EPA methods with best practice methods in those areas where EPA recommended or required methods are deficient.