Technical Bulletin No. 0231: The Use of Aerial Photogrammetry and Fluorescent Spectroscopy to Evaluate Ocean Outfall Dispersion of Kraft Effluent
The photogrammetric technique in particular appears to have broad potential application, although requiring a substantial investment in survey equipment. Both techniques have recently been used by FWPCA and Oregon State University study groups to verify preconstruction design projections of the dispersion capabilities of a number of West Coast kraft mill ocean outfalls. The recently concluded 1969 West Coast Regional Meeting of the National Council provided a timely opportunity to present the results of these studies, which have been consolidated in the attached Technical Bulletin. In addition, the National Council staff currently has in preparation two additional bulletins, dealing with the construction and use of diffuser outfalls, and an annotated bibliography on available techniques for determining assimilative capacity in estuarine locations.