Technical Bulletin No. 0175: Opportunities for Cooperative Research

  In addressing the Annual Meeting of Members of the National Council for Stream Improvement, Dr. Gordon E. McCallum, Assistant Surgeon General and Chief of the Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control of the United States Public Health Service, made a plea for closer cooperation between Industry, the Universities and State and Federal Governmental Agencies in research on pollution control. National Council Technical Bulletin Number 175, which is attached, contains the text of his remarks. In describing the new research centers being built by the United States Public Health Service, he stated that the Corvallis, Oregon, Center will be concerned with pulp and paper mill pollution problems. Each of the nine enters will cost about 2.5 million dollars and employ 50 to 150 persons; two thirds of which, will be scientific personnel. Operation of all these laboratories should be underway by late 1966.