Technical Bulletin No. 0102: A Study of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Wood Residue Boilers (AQTB)
The source emission estimates required for completion of the ambient air quality modeling requirements in satisfying the provisions of EPA's Prevention of Significant Deterioration regulations for new construction have identified the need for a reliable information base for estimating nitrogen oxide emissions from combustion sources in the forest products industry. During the past year an extensive field measurement program was initiated to generate information on nitrogen oxide emissions from wood residue-fired boilers, kraft recovery furnaces and lime kilns. The attached technical bulletin reports on the findings of the study of nitrogen oxide emissions from wood residue-fired boilers. The study showed that nitrogen oxide emissions from wood residue-fired boilers and combustion units was about equal and, in some cases, less than the nitrogen oxide emission standards for gas-fired utility boilers. They were consistently observed to be less than the emission standards for oil in this category of boilers and substantially less than those for coal-fired utility boilers. Considering the availability of fossil fuels for industrial boiler use the substitution of wood as an energy source represents no significant increase in nitrogen oxide emissions when compared to burning gas and significant benefits when compared to the burning of more commonly available fossil fuels, oil and coal. Furthermore, limited data generated during this study indicated that the nitrogen oxide emissions from burning wood in conjunction with oil were not increased as a result of the presence of oil when compared to nitrogen oxide emissions from burning wood alone.