Technical Bulletin No. 0068: Some Effects of Low Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen on Juvenile Silver Salmon
Widespread interest in the dissolved oxygen tolerance of various species of fish inspired the research presented in the attached report. These studies, dealing with silver salmon prevalent in the Northwest, were conducted under the direction of Prof. R. E. Dimick, Head of the Department of Fish and Game Management, Oregon State College. This research was primarily concerned with establishing the relationship between dissolved oxygen and temperature. It was shown experimentally that young silver salmon could withstand dissolved oxygen levels below 3 ppm within a temperature range of 12 to 24 degrees Centigrade. Long term tests carried on for 30 days indicated that fish were able to live without any noticeable deleterious effect at a 3 ppm dissolved oxygen concentration (18°C). Particular attention is called to the fact that feeding habits were employed as an index of activity and “well-being” of the test animals. These studies will be continued and suggestions by the Council members relating to them will be welcomed.