Technical Bulletin No. 0064: Comparison of Source Particulate Emission Measurement Methods at Lime Kilns and Smelt Dissolving Tank Vent Stacks (AQTB)

The National Council undertook a special field study to determine if there was a particulate sampling procedure for stack gases low in SO2 content and containing entrained water which produces results "equivalent" to those obtained when using the "front half" or filtration section of currently prescribed source particulate sampling procedures. Many agencies currently specify the use of particulate sampling equipment consisting of a heated probe and filtration assembly. The latter is characterized by a glass fibre filter capable of99+% particulate collection efficiency for particles 0.3 micron or larger. This arrangement of sampling equipment, or other arrangements which assure evaporation of entrained water prior to filtration, probably represent the only available practical means to measure that material which exists as particulate matter at stack conditions and that which can be expected to be removed by many types of particulate emission control equipment. Currently prescribed procedures, in some cases, also call for the use of gas liquid impingers in addition to the filtration assembly, although this impinger section is not presently a part of the approved sampling procedure for determining compliance with EPA New Source Performance Standards for power boilers, cement kilns, and incinerators.