Technical Bulletin No. 0040: Atmospheric Pollution Literature Review 1968 (AQTB)
The year 1968 displayed a continued trend toward and expanded interest in protecting atmospheric resources by industries, government, and the general public. In keeping with this trend, the Council has changed its name to the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement because of its expanded program in both water and air pollution control (1) (2) The expanded efforts in air pollution control include studies in the following areas: (a) Reduced sulfur gas emissions from kraft mill sources, the recovery furnace in particular, (b) Systematic analysis of particulate, gaseous and odor control technology to act as guidelines in specific mill situations, (c) Stimulated development and growing use of process and emission monitoring equipment, and (d) Development of new odor control technology, especially for the kraft recovery furnace. Included in the program are cooperative studies with the NAPCA and joint studies with individual mills.