Technical Bulletin No. 0031: Continuous Monitoring of Kraft Mill Stack Gases with a Process Gas Chromatograph (AQTB)
Early in 1966, a 320 Beckman Process Gas Chromatograph was purchased for installation at the Crown Simpson Pulp Company at Fairhaven, California. The mill is scheduled to go on stream the latter part of 1966. The instrument arrived early and was placed on trial at the company's Camas Division for about three months for evaluation and modification, if necessary. The instrument analyzes for hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and methyl mercaptan at ten minute intervals, i.e., some 144 samples are taken per day. Although the use of the process chromatograph is not new, the application of process chromatography to monitor stack gases is the first in the pulp and paper industry. The instrument was purchased to become familiar with furnace operation as it relates to the emission of sulfur compounds and to determine if the analyzer can ultimately be used as a tool for closer control of furnace operation. It is hoped that the instrument can ultimately be used to minimize malodorous emissions by permitting closer control of the combustion process. This report briefly describes the instrument and presents data collected over a three month trial period from April 11 to June 21, 1966. It should be noted that since emission rates are probably dependent upon operating characteristics of the furnace and the type of equipment used, the data collected from this unit may not be applicable to other operations. The primary purpose of this initial trial was to determine the feasibility of using a process chromatograph for continuous stack monitoring.