Technical Bulletin No. 0026: Air Pollution Control at Champion Papers Inc., Pasadena Mill, Texas (AQTB)
For fifteen years Champion Papers Inc., Pasadena, Texas, kraft pulp mill has carried on an extensive air pollution control program. A pressing need for this program arose by virtue of the location of this mill in a highly populated area. The attached National Council Technical Bulletin was prepared and presented at the 1965 Southern Regional Meeting of the National Council by A. J. Navarre, Jr., who is Senior Process Engineer at this mill. This paper reports the procedure and accomplishment in reducing stack losses, by means of the installation of a new recovery furnace equipped with high efficiency electrostatic precipitators development and application of heavy black liquor oxidation, caustic scrubbing of non-condensable gases and scrubbing of the stack from the present lime kiln which has replaced old and less efficient kilns. Oxygen control on the recovery furnace and the use of a four-pass blow condenser have also helped to reduce the discharge of odorous gases. In addition, odor masking material is added to the recovery furnace stacks as well as at all points in the digester area where blow gases are vented. The high-degree of reductions in fly ash and odorous compounds shown in a tabulation included in this report indicates that excellent progress has been made by the program. Additional development work is continuing in order to achieve further improvement in the future.