Technical Bulletin No. 0013: Experience in Purifying Kraft Mill Pulp Wastes

The data included in Technical Report No. 13, attached hereto, were made available to the National Council for general publication through the courtesy of Southland Paper Mills. The work of Dr. Carpenter and Mr. Porter of this Company reported hereIn, represents the results of an effort to overcome a pollution problem of considerable difficulty. Considerable interest on the part of other kraft mills has been expressed, and at one of them a similar system is being installed, modified to meet specific mill conditions. The National Council has followed both these projects closely and its technical personnel have participated in them. Since it is believed that the methods developed can be considerably improved, studies of the fundamentals underlying such purification of kraft mill waste are now being investigated in detail by the National Council’s research project at Louisiana State University. Much detailed information has been made available to the National Council in addition to that included in the attached report. Those interested in investigating this method of treatment further will be provided with any of the available data on request.