Technical Bulletin No. 0008: of Methods for the Determination of Atmospheric Contamination (AQTB)

Data on the levels and distribution of contaminants in the atmospheres of the United States is rapidly accumulating as result of the air pollution control programs of the United States Public Health Service and various state regulatory programs. This information will most likely be used as a partial basis for control requirements in this field. For this reason, it may prove valuable for pulp and paper mills, as well as other industries, to obtain background information regarding contaminant levels in their area. The methods listed in this Manual are relatively simple ones designed to develop information concerning gross levels of contamination. The suitability of these tests for evaluating the effects of mill discharge has not been fully ascertained, and it is a function of the Manual to promote this development. Included in the publication is a section on meteorological instrumentation which should be helpful to mills desirous of obtaining weather data. The comments and suggestions of individual mills concerning this manual are invited. It is expected that additional methods, for example a simplified procedure for sulfur dioxide, will be issued as soon as available. The National Council Staff is available to member mills in the setting up of these sampling programs.