Special Report No. 90-06: An Example Chemical Hygiene Plan – A Required Component of the OSHA Standard on Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories

Acknowledging the uniqueness of laboratory workplace settings and a need to provide laboratory employees with protection, OSHA developed and subsequently adopted a generic Laboratory Standard. A main feature of the Rule is that employers are required to develop and implement a written Chemical Hygiene Plan outlining specific work practices, procedures and activities necessary to provide protection from health hazards associated with handling hazardous chemicals. A generic Chemical Hygiene Plan was developed. Elements addressed as required by the standard included: (a) designation of a Chemical Hygiene Officer and personnel responsible for implementation of the Chemical Hygiene Plan, (b) definition of standard operating procedures (SOP) and measures to reduce exposures, (c) procedures to assure proper performance of fume hoods, (d) provisions for laboratory worker training and access to information, (e) circumstances under which prior approval of laboratory activities is required, (f) opportunities for medical consultation and examinations, and (g) provisions for implementing special precautions for work with particularly hazardous substances.