Special Report No. 82-02: A Laboratory Evaluation of the Sulfamic Acid-Iodometric Method for Determining Chorine in Pulp Bleaching Workplace Atmospheres

The National Council's paper industry occupational health study program includes as a key element the evaluation of methods which may be employed for the determination of substances of potential worker exposure concern in forest product industry workplace atmospheres. Seven Special Reports, 80-06, 80-07, 80-10, 80-11, 81-02, 81-04, and 81-05, and one Technical Bulletin, No. 361, have been issued as a result of these evaluations, and these have all addressed studies of sulfur gas measurement methods. The sulfur gas methods studies are continuing, with a second extensive field study now underway, and more information is scheduled to be released as a result of these tests in 1982.