Special Report No. 77-05: A Study of Alternate SO2 Scrubber Designs Used for TRS Monitoring

  Many of the alternatives available for source monitoring of total reduced sulfur (TRS) emissions from sources such as the kraft recovery furnace and kiln require separation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) before analysis. A thorough understanding of the factors affecting the efficiency of SO2 separation and capability of the scrubbing system to pass reduced sulfur compounds becomes increasingly important as the industry becomes involved in monitoring TRS emission levels of less than 10 ppm. The material reported in this special report describes the theoretical and laboratory investigations carried out to determine the effect of (a) scrubbing solution conditioning, (b) sample flow rate, (c) scrubbing solution volume, (d) TRS concentration, and (e) scrubber design on ability to quantitatively recover and measure real time concentrations of TRS.