Original Study
Three small tributaries of Drift Creek, tributary to the Alsea River, Oregon, were monitored in this logging study (1959 to 1973). One watershed (Needle Branch) was clearcut without buffer strips. A second (Deer Creek) was clearcut in patches with buffer strips. The third (Flynn Creek) was unlogged, and served as a control.
A synthesis of the results from the original study is found in Moring and Lantz (1975), The Alsea Watershed Study: Effects of Logging on the Aquatic Resources of Three Headwater Streams of the Alsea River, Oregon:
Part II: Changes in Environmental Conditions
Part III: Discussion and Recommendations
Dr. Black reminisces about his work in the study
Alsea Watershed Study publications 1960-1975
Alsea Watershed Study publications 1976-2005