Modelling Forest Carbon Stocks: Status and Application of the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) Webcast. (March 2, 2011) NCASI and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) co-hosted this webcast to discuss the state of forest modeling capabilities in North America, the development of modeling on key issues such as harvested wood products, and the identification of opportunities to leverage the knowledge that both NRCan and NCASI can bring to the advances of forest models that are relevant and of practical utility to the forest products industry.
Loehle, C. 2014. Climate change is unlikely to cause a biodiversity crisis: evidence from Northern latitude tree responses to warming. Energy & Environment 25(1): 147-153.
Loehle C. and N. Scafetta. 2011. Climate change attribution using empirical decomposition of climatic data. The Open Atmospheric Science Journal
Loehle, C. and S.F. Singer. 2010. Holocene temperature records show millennial-scale periodicity. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 47: 1327-1336.
Loehle, C. 2007. Predicting Pleistocene climate from vegetation in North America. Climate of the Past 3:109-118.
Loehle, C. 2006. Climate change in the context of long-term geological data. Chap. 1 in Focus on Ecology Research, edited by A.R. Burk. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Loehle, C. 2005. Estimating climatic time series from multi-site data afflicted with dating error. Mathematical Geology 37(2): 127-140.
Loehle, C. 2004. Using historical climate data to evaluate climate trends: Issues of statistical inference. Energy & Environment 15(1): 1-10.
Loehle, C. 2000. Forest ecotone response to climate change: Sensitivity to temperature response functional forms. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30(10):632-1645.
Loehle, C. and B. LeBlanc.1996. Model-based assessments of climate change effects on forests: A critical review. Ecological Modeling, 90(1): 1-31.