Tools and Calculators

Climate Projection Analysis Tool (CPAT)

June 20, 2023

NCASI developed the Climate Projection Analysis Tool (CPAT) to enable organizations to summarize climate projections for locations of interest in the conterminous United States. The tool is based on current (and recent past) climate measurements from the PRISM dataset (covering 1980 to 2019, interpolated from weather station data), and downscaled climate projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP-5). NCASI Member Company personnel may request access to the tool. More information is available here (website login required).

The first version of CPAT was released in 2022, and CPAT 2.0 was released in 2023.

Click here to access the CPAT 2.0 demo app (available to the public).
This demo app was created for NCASI through a collaboration of the Harvard University Department of Statistics and Reed College in the Undergraduate Forestry Data Science Lab (UFDS).

Full access to CPAT is available to NCASI Member Company staff (website login required).