CEPA Chemicals Management Plan
The 1999 revision of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) required the federal government to undertake a review of the 23,000 substances on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) to categorize them as meeting (or not) the criteria in Section 73(1) of the Act. These criteria include (a) presenting the greatest potential for human exposure; or (b) being persistent or bioaccumulative and inherently toxic to humans or the environment. This legislated review was completed, as required, by September 14, 2006. Of the substances reviewed, 4,000 substances met the categorization criteria and 300 substances were seen to warrant human health-based attention.
Environment Canada (EC) and Health Canada (HC) launched the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) in 2006 as a program to address the 4,300 substances identified in the review, which were further classified as being of low, medium, or high priority. The high priority substances (approximately 500 substances) are the focus of the CMP.
Phase II of the CMP was launched in October 2011. This five-year initiative will focus on completing assessments of the 500 high priority substances across nine categories, and investing in additional research for substances such as Bisphenol A, flame retardants, substances that affect hormone function, and substances that affect the environment.
NCASI conducted an initial review of forest products industry-relevant substances within the DSL in January 2005, and continues to monitor announcements and activity in this program.