CC-98-022: Final MACT Chemical Pulp Mills and Bleach Plants Using Cl and/or ChlO2; Effluent Limitations Bleached Papergrade Kraft, Soda, Sulfite
The attached material appeared in the April 15, 1998 Federal Register. It is the final Cluster Rule signed by EPA Administrator Browner on November 14, 1997. It contains provisions related to “hazardous air pollutants” to limit emissions of “hazardous air pollutants” from chemical wood pulp mills (kraft, soda, sulfite, and semi-chemical processes) and bleach plants using chlorine or chlorine dioxide at all mills. It also contains effluent-related requirements for conventional, non-conventional, and “toxic” pollutants as well as best management practice plans at bleached papergrade kraft, soda, and sulfite mills.