CC-13-020: EPA – Water – Preliminary 2012 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan
The August 7, 2013, Federal Register contained a notice of EPA’s Preliminary 2012 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan. The effluent guidelines program is the vehicle used by EPA to establish national, technology-based standards for wastewaters discharged by more than 50 industrial categories. In the same notice, EPA announced the release of the 2011 Annual Effluent Guidelines Review Report and Appendices. The latter report presents the data used as a basis for the planning described in the Preliminary Program Plan. The Review Report characterizes components of effluent discharges from industrial categories including the pulp and paper and timber products. The Preliminary Program Plan concludes that some aspects of pulp and paper discharges need to be investigated further by EPA and that no actions are needed related to the timber products category.