CC-13-017: EPA – Air – Proposal to Revise the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Kraft Pulp Mills
In the May 23, 2013, Federal Register [FR 78 (100) 31315 - 31341], EPA published a proposal to revise the new source performance standards (NSPS) for kraft pulp mills, and will apply to new, reconstructed, and modified kraft pulp mill sources that commence construction on or after May 23, 2013. This rule will be of interest to companies operating kraft pulp mills and contemplating future modifications, reconstructions, or expansion projects that trigger NSPS requirements. Public comments on this proposal were originally due by July 8, 2013. EPA has since extended the comment deadline to July 23, 2013, in order to provide commenters with additional time to submit comments and supporting information. NCASI is preparing comments and welcomes feedback from Member Companies.