CC-09-010: Emissions Database for Pulp and Paper Mill Sources
This notice will be of interest to all users of NCASI-compiled emissions data for pulp and paper mill sources. It is of particular importance to individuals who make use of emissions data compiled in NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 858 (Compilation of 'Air Toxic' and Total Hydrocarbon Emissions Data for Sources at Kraft, Sulfite and Non-Chemical Pulp Mills - An Update) or in NCASI’s pulp and paper Handbook of Chemical-Specific Information for SARA Section 313 Form R Reporting. Over the past year, NCASI has been working with a group of member company representatives to create two electronic databases of emission test results—one for pulp and paper mill sources and the other for wood products plants sources. This memorandum describes the pulp and paper database for ‘air toxics’. Later this year, the database will be expanded to include criteria air pollutants (SO2, NOx, CO, particulate matter, VOCs). The analogous database for wood products sources will be described in separate memorandum.