Carbon In Forest Products
Research available from NCASI
- Tool to Calculate Carbon Stored in Forest Products. In performing life cycle assessment (LCA) or carbon footprint studies of forest products, and in complying with carbon footprint standards and protocols, there is often a need to characterize the fate of biogenic carbon as products travel through the value chain. Because different standards and protocols often require different types of information, NCASI developed a Tool to Calculate Carbon Stored in Forest Products. Originally released in 2005, the Tool was revised significantly and re-released in January 2015.
- Tutorial on Biomass Carbon Accounting. (November 12, 2008).
Click on the link above to stream the webcast recording. (This works best with Chrome Web browser.) - Energy and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Substituting Wood Products for Non-Wood Alternatives in Residential Construction in the United States. NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 925 (November 2006).
- An Analysis of the Methods Used to Address the Carbon Cycle in Wood and Paper Product LCA Studies. NCASI Special Report No. 04-03 (August 2004).
- Critical Review of Forest Products Decomposition in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 872 (March 2004).
- Carbon Sequestration in Forest Products Along the Value Chain. NCASI Report Prepared for the Climate Change Working Group of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (December 2003).
Research involving NCASI that is available elsewhere
- Miner, R. 2006. The 100-year method for forecasting carbon sequestration in forest products in use. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 48(7/8):75.
- Winjum J., S. Brown, and B. Schlamadinger. 1998. Forest harvests and wood products: Sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Forest Science 44(2) 272-284.