Calculators Estimating Tree CO2 Sequestration (FS-24-06)
NCASI has assessed prominent calculators that estimate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestered by planting trees. While these calculators are described as being useful for estimating the climate benefits of tree growth, individual results vary significantly. NCASI has evaluated the features and limitations of four calculators, compared the results with detailed analyses, and provided recommendations regarding their use.
Keywords: GHG; Carbon sequestration, Biomass, Modeling
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NCASI prepared two documents, a Fact Sheet and a Briefing Note. While both cover the same topics, they differ in the level of detail provided. The Fact Sheet is a condensed version available for non-members highlighting the main findings, while the Briefing Note offers additional information and methodological detail on the analysis.
Calculators Estimating Tree CO2 Sequestration (BN-24-05)
Click on image to view full fact sheet