Playing older webinar recordings

Prior to 2017, NCASI utilized WebEx for its webinars. WebEx recordings are in a proprietary file format that requires downloading and installing a WebEx Player. (In 2017, NCASI switched to Zoom for hosting online meetings and webinars. Recordings of Zoom webinars are provided in the non-proprietary MP4 file format, which is handled in a variety of video players.)

Webinars recorded between 2009-2016 are provided on this website as ARF files that must be played in the WebEx Network Recording Player (nbr2player.msi).

Webinars recorded prior to 2009 are provided in the older WRF file format that must be played in a different application, the WebEx Recorder and Player (atrecply.msi).

Both of these applications are freely available for download on the WebEx website.

Download instructions for playing WebEx recordings (PDF)

Please contact gro.isacn@rotartsinimda to report any technical difficulties with webcast recordings.

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