Paul Wiegand announces retirement
JUNE 21, 2022
It is with mixed emotions that I announce the retirement of Paul Wiegand. After 32 years with NCASI, Paul has decided to retire effective September 30, 2022. I am very happy for Paul and his wife, Tracy, as Paul will now have time to spend doing the projects and activities he most enjoys with his family and friends. The forest products industry, and especially those of us at NCASI, will however greatly miss Paul’s leadership and wise counsel that he has provided over the past three-plus decades.
Paul received his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from Western Michigan University. While there, his studies were heavily influenced by NCASI staff, whose offices were then located at the University. After graduating, he began his career in the forest products industry at the Canton, North Carolina pulp and paper mill, then owned by Champion International. In 1990, Paul joined the NCASI staff as a Research Engineer at the Kalamazoo office on Western Michigan’s campus. In 1995, Paul was promoted to Regional Manager at the NCASI West Coast Regional Center located in Corvallis, Oregon. In 1999, while in Corvallis, Paul obtained his Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from Oregon State University.
In 2004, Paul was promoted to Vice President, Water Quality, based at the NCASI headquarters office in North Carolina. In this role, he has been responsible for leading all aspects of the NCASI Water and Aquatic Biology Programs. In 2018 Paul’s role was expanded to include oversight of NCASI’s Chemical Management and Health Effects Program and more recently, the NCASI analytical laboratories.
The magnitude of Paul’s contributions to NCASI and the industry is too great to list in detail and do them justice. Beyond his program leadership, Paul has played pivotal roles in coordinating the industry’s technical communications on major environmental initiatives, including EPA’s development of effluent limitations guidelines, matters related to dioxin, promoting more advanced science in the derivation of water quality criteria, and many others.
Thankfully, we have a few months before Paul’s retirement. We are planning a retirement celebration for Paul at the upcoming NCASI Annual Conference to be held in Vancouver, Washington, September 26-28, 2022. We hope that many of you will be able to attend. Please do reach out to Paul at any time in the next few months to share your appreciation for his service to NCASI and the forest products industry.
Planning for the organizational transition required by Paul’s retirement is currently underway. Announcements will be made in the coming weeks as decisions are made.
Dirk J. Krouskop, President