2020 Northern Regional Workshop
* Cancellation Notice *
March 6, 2020 – Following consultation with the Northern Regional Committee Chair and NCASI staff, regrettably, we are cancelling the Northern Regional Workshop scheduled for March 11 in Madison, Wisconsin. Several companies have implemented travel restrictions due to ongoing concerns related to the COVID -19 virus and we anticipate that additional companies may also do so in the coming days. These actions will have the effect of limiting attendance at the Workshop and, therefore, its overall value.
NCASI has scheduled a webinar on Monday, March 30, to present much of the PFAS-related material that was intended to be covered at this workshop.
Workshop Agenda
Morning Session
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) – Responding to Current Initiatives
- Overview of PFAS Science, Giffe Johnson, NCASI
- Regulatory Update (Federal and States), Giffe Johnson, NCASI
- Modeling PFAS in Land Applied Residuals, Derek Sain, NCASI
- Guidance when Undertaking Analytical Work, Matthew Booth, NCASI
- TRI Reporting for PFAS, Zach Emerson, NCASI
- State Activities, Darsi Foss, WDNR Environmental Management Division
- PFAS Experiences Panel Question/Answer
Afternoon Session
Development of Air Toxics Emission Inventories
Derek Sain and Zach Emerson, NCASI
- Air Toxics Inventories
- Air Toxics Data Sources
- Emission Factors and Statistical Considerations
- Group Exercises and Example Calculations