2015 Southern Regional Meeting
Click on the presentation titles to open a PDF file. Click here to open a PDF of the agenda.
PM2.5 and CPM Measurement Workshop | Whole Effluent Toxicity Workshop | Achieving Successful LCA Outcomes Workshop | Ambient Air Quality Workshop | Regulatory Implications Workshop | General Session | Technical Session A – Water Quality Protection | Technical Session B and E – Environmental Issues | Technical Session C – Wood Products | Technical Session D – Air Quality | Technical Session F – Boiler MACT
PM2.5 and CPM Measurement Methods, Limitations and Review of Available Emission Factors Workshop
- PM2.5 and CPM Measurement Methods, Limitations and Review of Available Emission Factors Workshop
Lee Carlson and Ashok Jain, NCASI
Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing – Understanding Bioassay Methods and Results Workshop
- Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing – Understanding Bioassay Methods and Results
Camille Flinders and Diana Cook, NCASI
Achieving Successful LCA Outcomes: Learning from our Collective Mistakes Workshop
- Welcome and Introduction
Reid Miner, NCASI
- What is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
- What is the Goal of an LCA?
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
- Why does allocation matter for LCAs of Forest products?
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Introduction to the Scope Elements
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
- Understanding and Defining Functional Units
Jon Dettling, Quantis
- Making these Notions Yours
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
- System Boundaries
John Heckman, thinkstep
- Scope Elements of Importance for the Forest Product Industry (part 1): Allocation
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- LCA Allocation Methods – A Case Study
Brian O’Banion, Fibre Box Association
- Tips and Tricks for Successful LCI Data Collection
Alison Brady, Georgia-Pacific LLC
- Scope Elements of Importance for the Forest Product Industry (part 2): Biogenic Carbon and Land Use
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Critical Review of LCA Projects
Terrie Boguski, Harmony Environmental
- Panel Discussion:
Wil Cote, International Paper
John Heckman, thinkstep
Brian O’Banion, Fibre Box Association
Amanda Pike, Quantis
- Closing Remarks
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
Ambient Air Quality Modeling Workshop
- Refined Modeling Techniques for NO2 and PM2.5
Amy Marshall, AECOM
- Unprecedented Requirements for Single-Source Modeling of Ozone and Secondary PM2.5
Justin Fickas, Trinity Consultants
- Techniques for SO2 Designations – The Importance of Variable Emissions and Ambient Air
Mark Wenclawiak, ALL4 Inc.
- Air Quality Modeling Workshop Overview and Preview of Upcoming Revisions to Appendix W
Ryan Gesser, CCM
Regulatory Implications of Indicator Bacteria Source Identification Workshop
- Regulatory Introduction and Background
Terry Bousquet, NCASI
- Microbial Source Tracking
Kellen Lauer, University of North Carolina
- Mill Bacteria Water Quality Issues
Carole Hamner, RockTenn
- Mill B Fecal Coliform (FC)
Terry Bousquet, NCASI
- Welcome and Introduction
Richard Holland, Packaging Corporation of America
- NCASI Status Report
Dirk Krouskop, NCASI
- Anticipated Changes to ISO 14001 and their Potential Impacts
Dan Curry, TRC Environmental Corporation
- AF&PA Sustainability Initiatives
Jerry Schwartz, AF&PA
- Combined Air Emissions E-Enterprise for the Environment
Marc Houyoux, US EPA
- Understanding Paper Recycling: Present and Future
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Why Do Different Standards Produce Different Carbon Footprint Results for Forest Products?
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
- Implications of Dynamic vs. Static Modeling in Forest Products LCAs
Dr. Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Integrating Land Use and Biodiversity Metrics in LCA: Challenges and Considerations
Dr. T. Bently Wigley and Dr. Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
Technical Session A – Water Quality Protection
- Water Regulatory Developments: Effluent Guidelines, Waters of the United States, Cooling Water Intakes, Analytical Methods and Water Quality Criteria
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- Hopewell Mill – River Water Intake Structure Reconstruction
Steve Hamilton, RockTenn
- Modeling the Impact of Spill/Load Spike on Wastewater Treatment System Performance
Jim Palumbo and Dr. Zach Emerson, NCASI
- Issues in Developing Permit Limits for Mills Discharging Upstream of Impoundments
Tom Gallagher, HDR
- Using Instream Data to Reduce Permit Requirements
Dr. Martin Lebo, AquAeTer, Inc.
- Evaluation of Advanced Treatment Methods for Nutrient Control – Chemical Phosphorus Removal and Membrane Filtration
Dr. Phil Pagoria, NCASI
- Turning Wastewater Data into Information: Assessing Biological Wastewater Treatment Performance
Mike Foster, Environmental Business Specialists, LLC, and Kyle Moore, International Paper
Technical Session B and E – Environmental Issues Influencing Forests and Forest Management in the South
- Waters of the United States
Bob Emory, Weyerhaeuser Company
- Value of Forest Land in the South
Dr. Mike Clutter, Forest Investment Associates
- Approach for Sustainability Assessment of Southeast Pellet Production
Dr. Virginia Dale, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Quantification of Sediment from Forest Roads and Ditches using Various Levels of BMPs
Dr. Chad Bolding, Virginia Tech
- Tree Nursery Production and Tree Planting in the South
Richard Harper, US Forest Service FIA- retired
- Rates of Harvest Residue Retention: Impacts on soil attributes
Dr. Daniel Markewitz, University of Georgia
- Insight into Timber Availability Issues from FIA Data
Dr. Paul Van Deusen, NCASI
- Cooperative Efforts to Conserve Species: Southeast At-Risk Species (SEARS) Strategy
Dr. Jonathan Gassett, Wildlife Management Institute
- An Experimental Approach to Assess the Ecological Sustainability of Woody Biomass Harvests
Dr. Christopher Moorman, North Carolina State University
- The Florida Fertilization Project: Monitoring Watershed-Scale BMP Effectiveness with High Resolution Measurements
Dr. Matt Cohen, University of Florida
- The Effect of Habitat Adjacency on Avian Communities and Nest Success in a
Heterogeneous Environment
Dr. James Martin, University of Georgia
- Optimizing the Moisture Content of Wet Stored Logs – Where we are and where we’re going…
Dr. Erik Schilling, NCASI
Technical Session C – Wood Products
- Why Source-Specific Actual Emissions Test Data are Needed Prior to PM2.5
PSD Permitting – A Case History
Rich Weber, Arauco North America
Rob vandenMeiracker, TRC Environmental Corporation
- SABA Bioscrubber for Control of Press and Dryer Emissions
Denise Wlodyka and Noah Kofman, Masonite International Corporation
- PCWP RTR Considerations
John Bradfield, US EPA
- Overview of Selected Results from the NCASI Miscellaneous Source Survey
Alejandra Borquez, NCASI
- Studies of In-Mill HAP Off-Gassing from Pressed Panels
Derek Sain, NCASI
- Evaluation of Total HAP Emissions from Miscellaneous Sources for PCWP MACT
Ric Law, NCASI
- Origins and Relevance of Miscellaneous Process Unit HAP Emissions
Rob Crawford, NCASI
Technical Session D – Air Quality Improvement
- Regulatory Update: The Pulp and Paper Sector
Dr. Kelley Spence, US EPA
- What’s up in the Air (World)?
Tim Hunt, AF&PA/AWC
- Permitting and Implementing PSD and NAAQS – Panel Discussion
Moderators: Colin McCall, ALL4 Inc., and Deanna Duram, Trinity Consultants
Larry Brown, Alabama DEM
Deanna Duram, Trinity Consultants
Christopher Hardee, South Carolina DHEC
Katy Lusky, US EPA Region 4
Colin McCall, All4 Inc.
Heather Sands, North Carolina DENR
- PSD Permit Modeling Update
John Glass, South Carolina Dept. of Health & Environmental Control
- NAAQS and SIP Planning State Agency Update
Dr. Jim Boylan, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
- ERT Requirements and Issues for the Forest Products Industry
Natalie Hornsby, Weston Solutions, Inc., and Dr. David Word, NCASI
- NCASI Air Quality Protection-Related Studies:
- Source Profiles of Emission Sources in the Pulp and Paper Industry
Dr. Suresh Raja, Enercon Services, Inc.
- Fugitive PM Emissions from Woodyard Sources
Dr. Zach Emerson, NCASI
- PM2.5 Measurement Method Studies at NCASI
Dr. Vipin Varma, NCASI
Technical Session F – Boiler MACT
- Final Laps for Boiler MACT
Tim Hunt, AF&PA/AWC
- Experience with Hydrogen Chloride & Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
David Elam, TRC Environmental Corporation
- Ensuring Quality Data for Boiler MACT and Environmental Reporting
Dan Trate, International Paper
- Can Your Compliance Monitoring Data Stand Scrutiny?
Eric Swisher, All4 Inc.
- The Role of SO2 in HCl Emissions from Combination Bark-Fired Boilers
Dr. Arun Someshwar, NCASI
- Fuel Sampling and Monitoring, Startup and Shutdown, Recordkeeping, and Other Implementation Issues Panel Discussion:
Moderators: Amy Marshall, AECOM, and Dr. Vipin Varma, NCASI
Corey Brandt, RockTenn
Rich Garber, Packaging Corporation of America
Brittany Robinson, International Paper
Questions about this meeting may be directed to Tracy Stubbs at the Southern Regional
Center (gro.isacn-crs@sbbutst, 352-331-1745, ext. 221).