2015 Northern Regional Meeting
Click on the presentation titles to open a PDF file. Click here to open a PDF of the entire
General Session | Water Session | Sustainable Forestry Session | Air Session | Climate Session
Complying with NAAQS – PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 Workshop
- PM2.5 and CPM Measurement Methods, Limitations and Review of Available Emission Factors
Ashok Jain, NCASI
- Fugitive PM Emissions from Woodyard Sources
Zach Emerson, NCASI
- How do these issues Impact PM2.5 Ambient Air Modeling?
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Expected Revision to the Guideline on Air Quality Models: An Update
Pete Catizone, TRC
- Complying with the NAAQS – PM2.5 Air Quality Modeling Considerations
Dan Dix, All4 Inc.
- Modeling for SO2 and NO2 – Compliance with Short-Term Standards
Dave Heinold, AECOM
- Welcome and Introduction
Van Maltby, NCASI; and Chuck Kraske, Verso Corp.
- NCASI New President Introduction
Dirk Krouskop, NCASI
- Highlights of Regulatory and Other Developments of Regional Interest:
- Water Regulatory Developments and Other Issues of Regional Interest
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- Air Regulatory Developments
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Update on GHG emissions regulations
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Forestry and Wood Procurement
Ben Wigley, NCASI
- Key Forestry Issues on the Canadian Landscape
Darren Sleep, NCASI - Environmental Modeling – Caveats and Recommendations
Tom Gallagher, HDR
- Changing Times for Maine’s Pulp and Paper Industry
Donna Cassese, SAPPI, Chair of the Maine Pulp and Paper
Board of Directors
Water Quality Protection Technical Session
- Water Regulatory Developments and Other Issues of Regional Interest
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- Printed Electronics: A Landfill Simulation Study to Assess Environmental Impacts
Tom Joyce, Western Michigan University
- Kaizen Blitz – An Approach to Achieving Mill Water Use Reduction
Brian Moore and Jim Witkowski, ARCADIS
- Wood that it WER: Water-Effect Ratios for Aluminum, Cadmium, and Copper
Patrick Gwinn, Integral Consulting, Inc., Verso Corp.
- Evaluation of Advanced Treatment Methods for Nutrient Control – Chemical Phosphorus Removal and Membrane Filtration
Phil Pagoria, NCASI
- Water Quality-Related Research in NCASI’s Aquatic Biology Program: Results from Laboratory and Field Studies
Camille Flinders, NCASI
- Bacteria TMDLs – Implications for Pulp & Paper Dischargers
Terry Bousquet, NCASI
- An Investigation into the Effect of Biocides on Wastewater Treatment
Jim Palumbo, NCASI
Sustainable Management of Northern Forests: Constraints and Opportunities
- Maine’s Outcome Based Forestry Policy
Doug Denico, Maine Forest Service
- The Spruce Budworm is Back: Maine’s Preparation and Response Plan
Robert Wagner, University of Maine
- Update on the Waters of the United States Proposed Rule
Erik Schilling, NCASI
- Developing Willow Biomass Crops as a Source of Renewable Energy
Mark Eisenbies and Tim Volk, State University of New York at Syracuse
- An Individual Tree Growth Model for the Adirondacks Region of New York
John Paul McTague, Rayonier
- New England’s Forest Resources are Changing Constantly, and FIA’s Assessment is
Constantly Changing
Ken Laustsen, Maine Forest Service
- Issues Facing Managers of Eastern Hardwoods in Pennsylvania
Jess Brown, Dave Trimpey, and Ned Karger, Collins Companies
- Can Fish and Fiber Coexist? An Overview of Current Conditions
Bob Danehy, NCASI
Air Quality Protection Technical Session
- Air Regulatory Developments – What Next?
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Recent Regulatory Initiatives in Maine
Eric Kennedy and Kevin Ostrowksi, ME DEP
- Permitting and Implementing PSD and NAAQS – Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Karin Greenacre, TRC Environmental Corp.
- Eric Kennedy and Kevin Ostrowski, ME DEP
- Sarah Hedrick, Verso Corp.
- Deanna Duram, Trinity Consultants
- Donald Dahl, USEPA Region 1
- NCASI’s PM2.5 – Related Research
Ashok Jain, NCASI
- Fugitive PM Emissions from Woodyard Sources
Zach Emerson, NCASI
- NCASI Technical Studies Update
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Can Your Compliance Monitoring Data Stand Scrutiny?
Eric Swisher, All4 Inc.
- Leveraging CEMS Data Acquisition Systems for Compliance Monitoring
Sarah Hedrick, Verso Corp.
- Evaluation and Operating Experience of HCl CEMS
David Moll, TRC Environmental Corp.
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Technical Session
- Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Why Do Different Standards Produce Different Carbon Footprint Results for Forest Products?
Chantal Lavigne, NCASI
- Implications of Dynamic vs. Static Modeling in Forest Products LCAs
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Integrating Land Use and Biodiversity Metrics in LCA: Challenges and Considerations Related to Forestry
Ben Wigley, NCASI
- Implementing Water Stewardship Programs
Dale Phenicie, Environmental Affairs Consulting
- Water Shortages and Sustainability in the Context of Climate Change
Craig Loehle, NCASI
about this meeting may be directed to Demecka Lassitter at the Northern Regional
Center (ude.hcimw@nosdrahcir.akcemed, 269-276-3550).