2013 Northern Regional Meeting
Click on the presentation titles to open a PDF file. Click here to open a PDF of the entire
PM 2.5 Workshop | General Session | Water Session | Environmental/Forestry Session | Air Session | Climate Session
TMDL Development and Implementation with a Focus on the Wisconsin River Phosphorus TMDL Workshop
- Review of TMDL Development and Implementation with a Focus on the Wisconsin River Phosphorus TMDL
James Palumbo, NCASI
- WDNR Overview of TMDLs and data
Ann Hirekatur and Pat Oldenburg, Wisconsin DNR
- Wisconsin River TMDL Data and Modeling Issues&Lessons Learned from other TMDLs
Tom Gallagher, HDR HydroQual
- Perspectives on Public Participation
Angela James and Paul Kent, Wisconsin Paper Council
Measurement and Modeling for Compliance Demonstration Workshop
- PM2.5/CPM Terminology and Measurement Methods
Lee Carlson, NCASI
- Measuring Source PM2.5 Emissions
Ashok Jain, NCASI
- PM2.5/CPM Test methods – In-field and Sample Analysis Considerations
Lee Carlson, NCASI
- PM2.5Measurement on Sources with Entrained Moisture – Method Development Work
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Availability of PM2.5/CPM Emissions Data for FPI Sources – An overview
Arun Someshwar, NCASI
- A Preliminary Assessment of Draft PM2.5Modeling Guidance Implementation for the Forest Products Industry
Dan Guido, ERM
- PM2.5 Modeling Demonstrations for PSD
Dan Dix, All4 Inc.
- Welcome and Introduction
Van Maltby, NCASI; and Chuck Kraske, Verso Paper Co.
- Highlights of Regulatory and Other Developments of Regional Interest
- Forestry and Wood Procurement
Ben Wigley, NCASI
- Water Developments (regulatory and otherwise)
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- Air Quality Regulatory Developments – An eventful Six Months!
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Climate Change Issues of Regional Interest
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Key Issues on the Canadian Landscape
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Making NCASI Membership Work for You: A “Refresher” for U.S. Member Companies
Alan Lucier, NCASI
- Great Lakes Water Quality Issues Strategy – Historical and Contemporary Activities
Dale Phenicie, Environmental Affairs Consulting
Quality Protection Technical Session
- Water Developments (Regulatory and Otherwise)
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- Wisconsin Water Regulatory Round-Up
Angela James, Wisconsin Paper Council
- Phosphorus Minimization Technologies and Costs
Bill Thacker, NCASI
- Extending Results of the NCASI Long-Term Receiving Waters Study to Other Waters
Camille Flinders, NCASI
- H2SSIM: A Model for Estimating Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Basins
James Palumbo, NCASI
- A World of Water Data
Nate Booth, USGS
- Groundwater in Flux; Changing attitudes on Groundwater Management
John Jansen, Cardno ENTRIX
- Updates on Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development in the U.S.
Doug McLaughlin, NCASI
Issues Surrounding the Use of Forests for Products
and Energy
- Forestry Trends in the Lake States: Regional and
Local Forestry Issues
Jim Hoppe, Packaging Corporation of America
- Trends in Sustainable Wood Procurement Certification
Gordon Mouw, NewPage Corporation
- Recent Trends & 2012 Baseline Outlook to 2060 for U.S. Forest
Products and Timber Markets
Prakash Nepal, Ken Skog, Peter Ince, USDA Forest Service
- Rhinelander FACE Experiment
Alan Lucier, NCASI
- Proposed Changes to MN Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species List
Tim O’Hara, Minnesota Forest Industries
- Avian Responses to Residual Tree Retention in Managed Conifer Forests of the Lake States Region
Kevin Russell, University of Wisconsin
- Panel Discussion: The Costs and Benefits of Constraints on Forest
Henry Schienebeck, Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association; Darrell Zastrow,
Wisconsin DNR; and Jane Severt, Wisconsin County Forests Association
- Interpretive
Summary of 2010 RPA Assessment
Erik Schilling and Paul Van Deusen, NCASI
- Assessing forest biomass supply with GForest+ and FIA data
Paul Van Deusen, NCASI
- Application of Water Quality Criteria to Forestry: Challenges and Considerations
Craig Loehle, NCASI
- Periphyton and macroinvertebrate responses to ranges of suspended
and bedded fine sediment
Bob Danehy, NCASI
- Ecology and Management of Lower Value Biomass
Eric Vance and Ben Wigley, NCASI
- Aspen Biomass Harvesting-Site Productivity Project
Robert Froese, Michigan Technological University
- EPA Greenhouse Gas Report: Trends in Forest
Stocks and Stock Change
Chris Woodall and Grant Domke, U.S. Forest Service
Quality Protection Technical Session
- Air Regulatory Developments and Other Issues of Regional
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- CISWI vs. Boiler MACT – Comparison of Emission Limits and Implications
Arun Someshwar, NCASI
- Self Determination of NHSM as Non-Wastes – Contaminant Comparisons and Recordkeeping
Vipin Varma, NCASI
- Considerations Related to Self-Determinations for Non-Wastes Under the Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) Rule
Nick Leone, All4 Inc.
- Control Technology Options for Boiler MACT and CISWI Compliance
Arun Someshwar, NCASI
- Fuel Switching as a Compliance Strategy
John Piotrowski, Packaging Corporation of America
- Complying with Fuel Sampling and Analysis Requirements
Ashok Jain, NCASI
- Operating Limits and Ongoing Compliance under Boiler MACT – Considerations
Vipin Varma, NCASI
Change and Environmental Sustainability Technical Session
- Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Issues of Regional Interest
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Sustainability Trends for 2013
Thomas Eggert, Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council
- Land Application of Wastewater Residuals – Impact of C:N
Steven Shimek, Natural Resource Solutions
- Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Using Biomass Residues for Energy Production
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Next Step to Environmental Transparency: Environmental Products Declarations
Richard D. Bergman, USDA Forest Service
- Climate Change Science Update
Craig Loehle, NCASI