2011 Northern Regional Meeting
Click on the presentation titles to open a PDF file. Click here to open a PDF of the agenda.
Numeric Nutrient Criteria Implementation: Toward Understanding the Options in Wisconsin, Florida and Other States
- Welcome and Introduction
Doug McLaughlin, NCASI
- Numeric Nutrient Criteria Implementation: A Regulated Community Perspective
Ed Wilusz, Wisconsin Paper Council
- Numeric Nutrient Criteria Implementation: A State Agency Perspective
James Baumann, Wisconsin DNR
- Thoughts on Development of Nutrient Site Specific Alternative Criteria (SSAC) from Data and Water Quality Model Results
Andy Thuman and Tom Gallagher, HDR HydroQual
- NCASI Research on Nutrient Removal Technology
William Thacker, NCASI
- Water Quality Credit Trading in the U.S. Today
Mark Kieser, Kieser and Associates
- An Update on the Development of a Statewide Water Quality Trading Framework
Mike Hammers, Wisconsin DNR; Kevin Kirsch, Wisconsin DNR
- Final Discussion and Wrap-up
Doug McLaughlin, NCASI
- Welcome and Introduction
Van Maltby, NCASI; Chuck Kraske, Verso Paper Co.
- Highlights of Regulatory and Other Developments of Regional Interest
- NCASI Technical Studies Program for FY 2011-2012
Al Lucier, NCASI
- Water Regulatory Highlights
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
John Pinkerton, NCASI
- Climate Change and Sustainability Issues
Reid Miner, NCASI - A Sustainable Forest Sector in Support of a Low Carbon Economy
Al Lucier, NCASI
- Sustainability Issues in the Magazine/Catalog Sector
Craig Liska, Verso Paper Co.
- Increasing Air Regulatory Burden on the Forest Products Industry
Timothy Hunt, AF&PA
- Water Developments (Regulatory and Otherwise)
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- NCASI H2S Emissions Model – Performance Evaluation
Jim Palumbo, NCASI
- Implementation Flexibility in Wisconsin’s New Thermal Standard [Abstract]
Tom Jayne, Thilmany; Doug McLaughlin, NCASI
- Perspectives on Water Use and Reuse at Pulp and Paper Mills
Barry Malmberg, NCASI
- Extending Results of the NCASI Long-Term Receiving Waters Study to Other Waters [Abstract]
Camille Flinders, John Beebe and Doug McLaughlin NCASI
- Uncertainty in Water Quality Criteria: What’s In a Number? [Abstract]
Doug McLaughlin, NCASI
- Evaluating Advanced Treatment Methods for Nutrient Control: Chemical Phosphorus Removal and Microfiltration
William Thacker, NCASI
- Addressing Nutrient Regulations: A Discussion
- Implications of Recent Developments in EPA Air Regulations for Users of Biomass Energy
John Pinkerton, NCASI
- Wisconsin’s Forestland Woody Biomass Harvesting Guidelines
Paul DeLong, Wisconsin DNR
- Biodiversity Response to Biomass Retention during Timber Harvest [Abstract]
Ben Wigley, NCASI; Mike Houser, Potlatch Corp.
- Wisconsin Forest Sector Assessment for Sustainability [Abstract]
Jim Weinbauer, AECOM
- Timber supply insights from FIA data: Wisconsin
Paul Van Deusen, NCASI
- Applicability of Existing Timber Supply Models to Wisconsin [Abstract]
Melinda Vokoun, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
- Opportunities to Improve Forest Sector Sustainability through Public Policy
David Donovan, Xcel Energy
- Opportunities to Improve Forest Sector Sustainability through Public Policy: A Private Landowners Perspective
Scott Henker, Plum Creek Timber Co.
- Woody Biomass Sources, Characteristics, & Impacts on Product Characteristics and Yields
Bill Gilbert, Futurewood Corp.
- Opportunities to Improve Forest Sector Sustainability through Innovation and Investment in Bioenergy
Doug Freeman, NewPage Corp.
- Opportunities to Improve Forest Sector Sustainability through Innovation and Investment in Bioenergy [Abstract]
Mike Jostrom, Plum Creek Timber Co.
- PM 2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Modeling Issues
Jennifer Geran and Anita Doepke, Sage Environmental
- 1-Hour NO2 NAAQS Air Quality Modeling
Dan Dix, All4 Inc.
- Nutrient Criteria and Control Technology
Doug McLaughlin, William Thacker, and Jim Palumbo, NCASI
- Perspectives on the Changing Regulatory Environment for Forestry
George Ice and Ben Wigley, NCASI
- Boiler MACT and Non-Hazardous Secondary Material: More Work to Do
Timothy Hunt, AF&PA
- Summary of CISWI Final Rule
Karin Greenacre, RMT, Inc.
- Regulatory Overview of Air issues
John Pinkerton, NCASI
- Formation and Control of Dioxins/Furans from Boilers
Michael Budin, RMT Inc.
- 1-Hour SO2 NAAQs Impact on Wausau Paper, Rhinelander Mill
Cara Kurtenbach, Wausau Paper
- Residual Risk Assessment and NCASI Research Activities
Ashok Jain, NCASI
- Strategic Air Planning: Is the Time for a PAL here?
John Egan, All4 Inc.
- Latin American (Arauco) Carbon Footprint Analysis [Abstract]
Jim Weinbauer, AECOM
- Optimizing Industry Water Use (Phase II)
Dale Phenicie, Council of Great Lakes Industries
- Sustainability Solutions: Economic Opportunities, Environmental Gains
Paul Fowler, Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology
- USEPA’s Proposed Rule for Coal Combustion Products (CCPs)
Lisa Bradley, AECOM
- Sustainability Programs for Managing Residuals
Joe Laubenstein, Waste Management
- Summary of the Literature on LCA and Paper Recycling
Reid Miner and Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
Water Quality Regulatory Developments Affecting Northern Forests
- An Update on Regulatory Developments Related to Water Quality [Abstract]
Chip Murray, NAFO
- Timberlands & Water Quality Lessons from Clean Water Act Case Law
Greg Corbin, Stoel Rives, LLP
- Nutrient Criteria for Water: Why Do We Care? [Abstract]
Doug McLaughlin, George Ice, and Erik Schilling, NCASI
- Minnesota Forest Road Exemption Challenged
Tim O’Hara, Minnesota Forest Industries
- Forest Water Quality Issues for Wisconsin
Carmen Hardin, Wisconsin DNR – Division of Forestry
- Stormwater Permitting and Wetland Crossings: Emerging Issues for Wisconsin
Dean Pelkey, Packaging Corporation of America
- NCASI Activities Related to Water Quality Regulatory Issues
George Ice, John Beebe, and Erik Schilling, NCASI
- A Landowner’s Perspective on Increasing Regulations
Brian Kernohan, Forest Capital Partners