2010 Northern Regional Meeting
Click on the presentation titles to open a PDF file. Click here to open a PDF of the agenda.
Anticipating Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development: Potential Impacts to The Pulp And Paper Industry Workshop
- Welcome and Introduction
Jim Palumbo, NCASI
- Overview of National Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development [Abstract]
Doug McLaughlin, NCASI
- Nutrient Criteria Development
Al Basile, USEPA Region 1
- Chapter 583: Use Attainment Evaluation Using Nutrient Criteria for Surface Waters
Brian Kavanah, Maine DEP
- The Legal Implications of Maine’s New Nutrient Rule
Bill Taylor, Pierce Atwood&
- A Review of the Science Associated with Current Nutrient Criteria Development Efforts
Tom Gallagher, HydroQual Inc.
- Applying Nutrient Criteria and Standards to Forested Headwater Streams [Abstract]
George Ice, NCASI
- Possible Treatment Technologies and Associated Costs for Nutrient Removal from Paper Industry Effluents
William Thacker, NCASI
Forest Products Industry Carbon Footprinting Tools: FICAT and FEFPro Workshop
- Forest Products Industry Carbon Footprinting Tools: FICAT AND FEFPro
Reid Miner & Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
General Session
- Welcome and Introduction
Van Maltby, NCASI; Chuck Kraske, Verso Paper Co.
- Highlights of Regulatory and Other Developments of Regional Interest
- NCASI’s Air Quality Program – Regulatory Support
John Pinkerton, NCASI
- Water Developments (regulatory and otherwise)
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- GHG Legislative and Regulatory Activities
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Overview of Sustainable Forestry Issues
Alan Lucier, NCASI
- The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: Current and Future Direction
David Littell, Maine DEP
- Waste HD Tank Explosion
John Piotrowski, Packaging Corp. of America
Water Quality Protection Technical Session
- Water Developments (regulatory and otherwise)
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida Waters [Abstract]
Douglas McLaughlin, NCASI
- NCASI Sulfide Fate Model – Development and Testing Update
James Palumbo, NCASI
- Fecal Pathogen Testing: NCASI Study Results and NPDES Permits
Terry Bousquet, NCASI
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Pulp Mill Effluents [Abstract]
Robert Fisher, NCASI
- Consumptive Water Use Profile
Steve List, NewPage Corp.
- Overview of International Water Sustainability Initiatives
Paul Wiegand, NCASI
- An Urban Waterfront Case Study: Landscape Connectivity Modeling Applied to Regional Restoration Planning in the Delaware Estuary
Peter Jensen, Integral Consulting Inc.
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
- Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Issues of Regional Interest
Reid Miner, NCASI
- Reducing GHG through Energy Management & Energy Intelligence
Sandra LeBarron, Finch Paper LLC
Dan Schaffer, Source and Summit Company
- Environmental Footprint Comparison Tool (EFCT)
Kirsten Vice and Reid Miner, NCASI
- Could wood fired boiler ash be considered a biochar?
Kurt Spokas, USDA
- Product Carbon Footprint at Complex Mills: Some Ideas on Allocation
Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
- Mandatory Greenhouse Gases Reporting Rule
Sean Hogan, USEPA
- Panel Discussion on Industry Experience with GHG Reporting
Industry Representatives
- Summary of the Carbon Footprint Workshop
Reid Miner and Caroline Gaudreault, NCASI
Planning a Sustainable Future for Northern Forests
- Federal Assessments of Eastern Forest Conditions [Abstract]
Greg Reams, USDA Forest Service
- Statewide Forest Resource Assessment and Strategies [Abstract]
Donald Mansius, Maine Forest Service
- A Status Update on the Massachusetts Biomass Study and a Summary of Other Relevant Work
John Gunn, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
- Assessing the Sustainability of Water Resources as Part of Forest Bioenergy and other Wood Production Systems [Abstract]
George Ice, NCASI
- Indonesian Forestry and Climate Change Opportunities
Rahajeng Pratiwi, International Finance Corp.
- Increasing Biomass Production in Maine Forests?
Robert Wagner, University of Maine
- A Method to Evaluate the Option of Storing Carbon in Your Forest [Abstract]
Paul Van Deusen, NCASI
- Assessing Forest and Biodiversity Response to Climate Change
Craig Loehle, NCASI
Air Quality Protection Technical Session
- Boiler MACT, Boiler GACT
John Pinkerton, NCASI
- Summary of Proposed CISWI Emission Standards and Related Definition of Solid Waste
Karin Greenacre, RMT Inc.
- Issues With Method Detection Limits for EPA Mercury and TCDD/F Stack Test Methods for Demonstrating Compliance with Proposed MACT and CISWI Limits
Ashok Jain, NCASI
- Control Technology Options for Meeting Proposed MACT and CISWI Limits
Mike Budin, RMT Inc.
- National Regulatory Update – Air
John Pinkerton, NCASI
- State Air Quality Regulatory Developments of Significance to the Forest Products Industry
Marc Cone, Maine DEP
- Recent NSR/PSD Developments
Dixon Pike, Pierce Atwood, LLP
- Implications of New/Revised NAAQS for SO2, NO2, and PM2.5 for Air Quality Modeling
Clay Raasch, Trinity Consultants
- Carbon Monoxide Variability in Maine Wood-Fired Boilers
Marc Cone and Lisa Higgins, Maine DEP
- Old and New Visibility Issues: Regional Haze Rule and the Proposed Secondary PM2.5 NAAQS [Abstract]
Bob Paine, AECOM
- Case Study – NSR 2010
John Egan, All4 Inc. & NCASI Member Mill
Biomass Energy and Sustainable Forestry Workshop
- Biomass Energy and Sustainable Forestry: Policy Themes & Information Needs
Alan Lucier, NCASI
- Certification of Sustainable Biomass Production [Abstract]
Brian Kernohan, Forest Capital Partners
- Panel Discussion: FIA Biomass Inventory Issues in the Northeast
- Panel Discussion: FIA Biomass Inventory Issues in the Northeast
Greg Reams, USDA Forest Service
- FIA Biomass Inventory Issues in the Northeast – The Maine Perspective
Dave Struble, Maine Forest Service
- Panel Discussion: FIA Biomass Inventory Issues in the Northeast
Paul Van Deusen, NCASI
- Operational Considerations for Harvest and Transport of Woody Biomass
Jeff Benjamin, University of Maine
- Biomass Harvesting Guidelines in the Northern Region
Eric Vance and Ben Wigley, NCASI
- Workshop Summary and Concluding Discussion
Alan Lucier, NCASI