Mapping Caribou Forage Resources in Ontario
Over the past two decades, research has revealed just how crucial nutrition, particularly during summer, is for shaping dynamics of…
Learn More NCASI’s Canadian Forestry Program is focused on research-oriented towards addressing the environmental aspects of forest management in Canada. Given the Crown land ownership context, much of NCASI’s research in this program area is publicly-available and NCASI collaborates with government and other stakeholders on a number of initiatives to enhance the application of this research to the forested landscape. Individual research projects are designed in consultation with NCASI’s Canadian Forestry Program Committee and address the full array of issues that members manage associated with terrestrial- and aquatic-related environmental priorities and also incorporates research associated with approaches for landscape conservation planning as well as sustainable forest management certification.
Over the past two decades, research has revealed just how crucial nutrition, particularly during summer, is for shaping dynamics of…
Learn MoreThis database is a compiled list of primary biodiversity indicators outlined in the scientific literature that may be useful in evaluating biodiversity in a forest management context.
Learn MoreWoodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), a subspecies of caribou, has been listed under the Canadian Species at Risk Act (SARA)…
Learn MoreDecades of research and monitoring within actively managed forests have greatly improved our understanding of how biodiversity responds to sustainable forest management.
Learn MoreThe Canadian Species at Risk Database was developed by NCASI and the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) to compile information available on species at risk in Canada.
Learn MoreThis handbook details 18 different practices, providing information for each one on the basis for the practice in conservation science, how to apply the practice, measures of effectiveness of the practice, and the compatibility of each practice with others.
Learn MoreThis webinar on old-growth forests was part of an ongoing series of NCASI Canadian Forestry Research and Engagement Sessions.
Learn MoreThis database is a compiled list of primary biodiversity indicators outlined in the scientific literature that may be useful in evaluating biodiversity in a forest management context.
Learn MoreThis database compiles adaptation strategies available in the scientific literature that can benefit forest managers in light of future climate change.
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